InaLabs - Africa remains the region internet connection minimal. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the satellite's orbit will spread Internet access. Facebook expansion into space. Maybe it was the first thing that comes to mind when Zuckerberg announced plans anyarnya it.
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Citing Popular Science website, if AMOS-6 were prepared and successfully launched in 2016, this satellite will send 36 access from 26.5 to 40 GHz for Africa and the other three in the 12-18 GHz toward the Middle East and Europe. "For connecting communities in remote, conventional infrastructure is usually difficult and inefficient, so we had to invent new technologies, "wrote Zuckerberg on the Facebook page. While Eutelsat sediri already has additional plans to launch a satellite in 2016 which aimed to Brazil and Latin America. Working together with satellite providers already established is considered as a smart move for Facebook and project to carry out their primary mission in order to spread internet connectivity.
The expansion of Facebook in the equity of the Internet around the world is also a significant evolution of the company given the company founded in 2004 was originally 'only' as a social network. With the spread of internet connection also means strong potential to attract many users of its products, like Facebook itself, Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram, until Oculus.
Previously, Zuckerberg had expressed the idea to emit signals for internet connection using a laser. This thinking reportedly being built in the Connectivity Lab owned up that focuses on creating a drone. They have plans to embed the laser to the drones and satellites that will emit a signal anywhere.
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According to Zuckerberg himself, the plan is believed to dramatically increase the speed of sending data from a distance though. However, do not imagine the colorful laser like in a science fiction movie, as the boss of Facebook, said laser beam can not be seen naked eye. (Tyo)